
“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.” – Maya Angelou

Lately, I’ve been thinking about gratitude.
Mostly, how I don’t have enough.
In the last few weeks, I’ve heard two messages on gratitude. During a Bible study by Priscilla Shirer, she says that we can’t have peace without gratitude. That one really got me. Because it’s so true–gratitude helps us to be content with where we are. But when we are discontent, peace feels far, far away.
And then last weekend, my pastor said, “We are wired to notice what we don’t have instead of what we do. This is where ingratitude begins.”
Okay, guys. That one just knocked me flat.
Because how often do I do that VERY thing? How can I enter my home and see the things in it that aren’t perfect (like the horrid kitchen countertops with tile and grout? *shudder*) instead of the ways it’s filled with the love of my husband and two little boys?
Why do I look at my career and think, “If only x and y would happen, I’d be happy?” Because once upon a time, the life I’m currently living WERE my x and y.
I’m literally living the very life I asked God for several years ago. I’m blessed. I know that. But do I really act like it?
Are my prayers filled with “thank you” … or “please, God…more?”
I’m not saying it’s wrong to ask God for things. Of course he wants us to share our hearts with him.
But let’s not get so caught up in the WANTING that we become discontent in the LIVING.