A little over a week ago, my friends and family threw me the best possible baby shower a girl could ever imagine. Here are just a few pics from that beautiful night (I didn’t have my camera, so I’m waiting on pics of me with people!).
The couch where I sat and opened gifts. The venue where the shower was held is owned
by one of my mom’s dear friends, who put together much of the beautiful decor.
One of the many beautifully decorated tables.
Another table.
Nautical decor.
One of my friends found a bunch of nautical- and mommy-related quotes.
This one made me want to cry!

Drink station.
Only some of the delicious food. There was also a mashed potato bar, fruits, and veggies.

The day of the shower, I realized something. Something significant.

I was not going to have a single blood relative in attendance.

That struck me…because many showers are thrown by moms, aunts, grandmas, or cousins. Mine, however, was being thrown by my friends, my mother-in-law, and my stepmom.

And as I think about that, I realize how completely blessed I am. That these women did all of this for me, not out of some sort of obligation…but because they love me. They love this baby. They wanted to do this.

Of course, if I’d had blood relatives here in town, I know they would have done the same thing. I’m just super blessed that way.

You see, being pregnant and all that goes along with it has been wonderful. But it’s also been hard.

It’s been a huge reminder to me that my mom isn’t here anymore. She died 10 years ago, so she wasn’t here for my college graduation or my wedding either. But this…this feels different.

And I was feeling really sad about the fact that she wouldn’t be at my shower.

Then, my friends and family did something amazing (on top of all the work they did throwing a beautiful shower). Something I didn’t expect. But I should have, knowing how wonderful they are.

They made my mom a part of my shower. 
The first gift I opened for the night was a baby blanket. It was beautifully stitched with a sailboat and colors that matched our nursery. 
And sewn into the cloth were the words “Gramma Sandy.” Sandy was my mom’s name. My friends said they wanted to make her part of my special day and my baby’s life. That every time my baby boy is wrapped in that blanket, it’ll be the next best thing to having my mom hold him. 
Oh my. I completely lost it right then and there. Hysterical Lindsay. But…grateful Lindsay. 
Because as I looked around that room, I realized…my baby may not ever know his Grandma Sandy. But he’ll know his Grandma Harrel and his Grandma Walker. He’ll know his aunties…both my sisters by marriage and those precious friends who are like sisters to me. And of course, he’ll know all of my loving relatives even though we’re separated by distance.
God has taken what was lost, and though he has not given it back to me exactly, he has filled my life with mentors, family, and friends who I can count on. I am blessed. And I am grateful beyond belief.
To everyone who helped make this baby shower happen…and make it one of the most memorable, beautiful events of my life whether by attending or helping…thank you. You’ll never know how much you touched me.

Your Turn: Have you ever received an unexpected gift?