This is Pascal. His “serious face” cracks me up.

As many of you know, I have two golden retrievers. Chloe is 2 years old and finally starting to settle down a bit.

And then there’s Pascal. He’s 1 year old and the sweetest little (well, 70 pounds) ball of fur. He snuggles up to us. He wants to be near us. He loves other dogs and people…especially kids. He’s rambunctious sometimes and super calm at others.

But Pascal has a vice.

He loves to dig in the mud.

And since we have a doggy door that lets the pups come and go as they please…let’s just say, mama no like that vice.

Because it’s kinda not cool to come home after a long day to find mud all over the couches, newly washed floors, and well, Pascal.

And unfortunately, I’m not the best at controlling my temper. I get angry and so frustrated with him. It’s even worse when he tries to jump up on me and greet me with mud on his paws.

But then I look at his face. He’s sorry, he really is. He gives me his “serious face,” the one that says, “Mama, are you gonna stay mad at me forever? Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

And my heart just melts.

And of course, I forgive him, clean up his mess, and give him a bath.

When I think about it, that’s just how God responds to me when I mess up — except God doesn’t get angry and yell at me when I’ve come slinking to him with my tail between my legs.

He doesn’t make me feel worse about myself. Instead, he opens his arms and calls me to him. He gathers me in his arms, mud and all. He doesn’t care that I leave muddy footprints on his robe — he washes them all clean with the power of his majesty.

The way he feels about me doesn’t change. He forgives me and my mud — my sin — is as far as the east is from the west. He’s removed it, scrubbed it clean. I may remember the effects of it, but I no longer see the stain on the couches and floors.

It’s something I do not deserve, but something I am so incredibly grateful for…that he sees my mess and loves me anyway.

What patience. What grace.

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.”

Your Turn: Can you relate? And anyone else have a dog — or kid — that loves to track in the mud?!