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Last month, I wrote a post about choosing one word to focus on in 2013. The word I chose was REJOICE.

As I said in that post, I don’t know what 2013 will bring, but I do know that my goal will be to rejoice in all things, even if it’s not what I’d hoped for.

However, I’m happy to report that 2013 is starting off amazingly well…I’ve already got something to truly rejoice over: a new job!

I have loved my job as a curriculum editor at a university, but my job location was going to be moving about 45 minutes to an hour away (one way) in the next month or so. Hello, I’m already too busy as it is. So I prayed for something new.

I’ve been freelancing off and on for a company for nearly two years, and whaddaya know…a copywriter there moved to a new position, and they needed a new one.

I’m blessed enough to be that one!

The best perk of this job is that I’ll be able to telecommute a few days a week. So this will soon be me:

You know, minus the curlers and coffee. And brown hair. And…well, you get the picture.

God has definitely answered the prayer of “more time” in me getting this job. I was really starting to wonder how I was going to fit writing time in with two hours of driving a day.

I’m so thankful that He saw my need and gave me something wonderful to rejoice over so early in the year!

Your Turn: What are you rejoicing over today?