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The last several weeks, I’ve felt like a chicken with its
head cut off.
Running, and running, and running…
In circles, circles, circles…
With no real direction.
I’ve got my full-time job.  I’m prepping for an upcoming writer’s conference. I’m grading
papers for the side teaching job that provides the money to go to the
conference. I’m trying to start my next book. I’m trying to plan creative blog
I’m trying, trying, trying.
Striving, looking anywhere I can for success. Is it under
this rock? No? Move on to the next. Maybe it’ll be there.
Go, go, go.
You can do it, Lindsay. Push a little harder. Dig a little
deeper. Bend a little faster.
And do the twist.
Hot potato, hot potato. One a penny, two a penny. Cacophony.
And I wonder why my hands are getting burned and my back
It’s not that I don’t love what I do. Thank goodness I do.
But there’s never enough time for it all.
I feel like I’ve been searching for something.
An answer. Some great revelation that will get me “there.”
And finally, it came to me.
“Be still and know
that I am God.”
I want to. I really do. But it’s hard to stop.
To let go of the things I THINK will get me where I want to
To be still.
To fall back and think of Him, only Him.
But that is exactly…
What I want—no, need—to do.
Your Turn: Ever find
it hard to simply be still?

*It’s not too late to enter to win a $25 Starbucks gift card in celebration of my blogging birthday.

*Photos courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net