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When life gives you an eyepatch, become a pirate.*
Er…maybe I should back up and explain.
Several weeks ago, my stepmom Kristin had a bit of an accident that led to problems with one of her ocular nerves. (Yes, the eyes have nerves.) The accident also led to vertigo (dizziness and seeing double). Anyway, the end result of all of this was that Kristin’s eye nerve needed strengthening.
Enter the eyepatch.
Yes, the doctor recommended she wear an eyepatch until her eye gets better—and said that it could be anywhere from three to six months before there’s improvement.
OK, folks, I’m just saying, if this was me, I might be tempted to hole up in my house, sending my social life to a grinding halt. Perhaps I’m vain (the song is playing in my head…you’re so vain…) or maybe just self-conscious, but I would dread people staring at me. Not to mention how frustrating it would be to have to deal with only having the use of one eye most of the time.
But you know what my stepmom did?
She got a pink-studded eyepatch.
Yes, she owned it. Embraced it. Figured she might as well have fun with it.
Not only that, she’s tried a variety of other methods of strengthening her eye, including painting one side of her glasses with fingernail polish and only wearing one contact lens.
She’s making the best of her situation. Not letting it get her down. “Life’s too short to mope,” she says. She realizes that her life can’t be put on hold just because she’s got this physical issue going on. She’s a physical therapy assistant and has patients to help, patients who have worse ailments than her.
She’s living out what apostle Paul said in Philippians: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.”
So what are some of those secrets of being content? Come back Wednesday, when we’ll explore that topic together.
Your Turn: Have you ever faced a situation that made it hard to be content? Tell me about it.

*Please note that I am in no way, shape, or form encouraging anyone to become a pillager and thief. It’s a metaphor, people. A metaphor.