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As many of my friends and readers know, I recently finished the first draft of my first novel (and there was much rejoicing…hooray!).
And after a first draft comes editing. Lots and lots of editing.
As an editor, you’d think I’d love this part—and to some extent, I do enjoy the rigor of making my stuff better. But it can still be painful. And it’s just plain difficult to edit your own writing sometimes. It’s hard to completely delete a character you’ve created who just isn’t necessary after all. Or to reword a scene you’ve spent hours crafting because, well, several minor details have to change in order for another part of the book to make sense, and…yeah, you get the picture.
That’s where critiques from others come in handy. I recently received some great critiques on my first chapters. They were extremely helpful, pointing out a lot of things that I point out to other people and just didn’t see in my own writing (insert sheepish grin here) or telling me when a character or scene didn’t ring quite true.
I must say, this is quite a different experience than critiques I’ve received in the past.
You see, while receiving feedback from others is necessary, there is some feedback that’s just plain unhelpful. A few examples I’ve personally encountered:
“I just loved it all! Don’t change a thing.”
Um, yeah, while my ego would just LOVE to hear this one, it’s Never. Gonna. Happen. At least, for real. That’s just the (gut-wrenching) reality of writing a novel; there will always be something to improve upon. And when someone who is reading my work (especially in early stages) tells me this, I tend to think (1) he/she is lying or (2) he/she really didn’t read my story, at least with a very critical eye.
Note: I’m not saying to never be positive. It’s great to receive positive feedback along with the more critical comments. Always point out the good things you see in addition to the things that don’t work, so the writer isn’t overly discouraged and is in fact encouraged that he/she is doing some things right.
“This just doesn’t work, but I’m not sure why.”
It’s great for me to know that something isn’t jiving, but I also want to know why. Is it that the character isn’t believable? The situation is unrealistic? The dialogue is dry? Try as much as possible to be specific about why an aspect of the story doesn’t “work.”
“Word this differently.”
Again—why? While I appreciate it when someone tells me something should be reworded, I want to know why it needs to change. Did the sentence strike you as awkward? Out of character? Just plain wrong grammatically? When I critique, I try to give suggestions for a different wording to explain what I mean. That doesn’t mean I expect the author to adapt my wording, but I hope it gives him/her a reference point for rewording.
Your Turn: Have you had your work critiqued by others? How was your experience? Can you think of any other feedback that isn’t helpful (maybe that you’ve actually received)?

Photo by Grant Cochrane: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=2365