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When I began this writing journey (see my post from last Monday to learn more), I had a lot of expectations.
First, I thought I’d quickly grow discouraged at my lack of expertise in novel writing, that others might secretly sneer at my blog or my comments on other blogs and think, “She’s such an amateur!”
Second, I also figured that the world of writers was a cutthroat one in which authors were always trying to top each other and doing anything possible to stand above the cut.
Finally, I thought the journey would be a solitary one. Sure, I’d anticipated maybe meeting another writer here and there, possibly exchanging information at conferences and chatting occasionally. But all in all, I figured I’d rarely interact with other authors.
When I look at that list, I realize what a cynic I was. But it’s what I’d always heard about the writing community (sad, but true). However, as the title of this blog post suggests, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself wrong on all counts.
This may be because I’m immersing myself primarily in the Christian writing community, but whatever the reason, I couldn’t be more grateful.
Because my experience has been that other writers realize everyone is in a different place in their careers. Some are novices, never having written anything. Some have been writing for years, but are new to novel writing (oh me, me, pick me!). Others have already acquired agents, and still others have published books on the shelves.
So those “amateur” comments I was so worried about? My experience has instead been that more experienced writers are more than willing to answer the less-experienced writer’s questions—and in a gracious manner.
I’ve also perceived that writers exhibit genuine joy when they know others who have succeeded in some way. I’ve witnessed true excitement for each other instead of the jealousy you might expect  (see this awesome post by Katie Ganshert on the joy/jealousy rollercoaster).
Finally, though I expected to be a loner on this journey, I’ve been so grateful to see writers come alongside one another—and alongside me!—in support and encouragement. Just you who comment regularly on my blog encourage me so much, reminding me I’m not alone and helping me to build a community of people with similar goals.
(There have been some very specific ways I’ve discovered to immerse yourself into the writing community, and I’ll address those in next Monday’s post.)
Your Turn: Have you also been surprised by the writing community? If so, in what ways?
*Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici