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A few weeks ago, a fellow blogger, Cheryl Linn Martin (see her fun blog, Life in Flip-Flops, here), gave me the Tell Me About Yourself Blog Award. Needless to say, I am quite flattered! Thanks, Cheryl!
Part of the award is telling seven facts about myself. I thought it would be fun since I’m fairly new to blogging and some of my readers don’t know me that well yet. So here goes…
1)   I’m a sour candy fanatic. Yep, I’ll take a bag of Sour Patch Kids over chocolate any day! (Yes, my mother always said I must not be her child, chocolate lover that she was.)
2)   In college, I sang in a Christian rock band. I still have about 50 unpurchased CDs sitting in my garage…
3)   I moved to Arizona when I was 6, but still consider myself a Texan at heart.
4)   Last April, I ran my first race (4.2 miles!). I’d never really run farther than a mile before that. In August, I started writing my first novel, when I’d only written short stories and essays before. Guess I like a challenge, and 2011 was a year of stretching myself.
5)    “Do you love it? I love it!” I probably got it at Ross (or Old Navy).
6)   I drink milk when I eat pizza. Some people think it’s weird. Seems perfectly normal to me!
7)   Confession: My guilty TV pleasure is the Bachelor and Bachelorette. It’s a train wreck and I’m a total rubbernecker!
Your Turn: Tell me a fun fact about yourself!