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The Bible says to be thankful for everything. Later this month, those of us in America will celebrate Thanksgiving. We will gather around our tables and tell each other what we are particularly thankful for: family, friends, a roof over our heads, provision, health, etc.
But will we remember to be thankful for freedom?
Today is Veteran’s Day. I think it’s really cool that this day is so close to Thanksgiving, but I have a confession: I rarely remember to be thankful for my freedom, even though there are whole holidays set aside just for that purpose. How often have I viewed the day purely as time off from work, time to relax and catch up on stuff around the house?

Too many.

I live in an amazing country, where I can worship the God I want to worship freely, without consequence. I am free to marry who I want to marry, free to have as many children as I am able, free to get an education. There are many countries in which I would not have such freedoms.
But I take it for granted.
We have brave men and women who have fought and some who are still fighting for the very freedoms that are such a part of my daily life that I cannot imagine it without them.
So today, I’m being purposeful.
To my mom’s dad, who fought in Vietnam: Thank you for your service.
To my dad’s dad, who fought in WWII: Thank you for your service.
To all the veterans out there and to those still in the military: Thank you for your service.
May God bless you and keep you safe.

Your Turn: Do you have a friend or relative who is a veteran or currently serving in the military? Honor them here!

*Image courtesy of Bill Longshaw: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=341