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Whoever said “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” must have lived in a monastery or some other place where words are rarely used.

If you didn’t already know it, let me tell you something: Words are powerful.
At the writing conference I recently attended, literary agent Chip MacGregor spoke on this very subject. He explained that words move us, that words help us find beauty and meaning in life.
That words change us.
When Chip finished speaking, I thought about which words have changed me the most. The following list is the result of my pondering.
You are talented.
You are cherished.
You are beautiful.
I find joy in your presence.
I love you.
I have called you.
You are my beloved child.
Do you know why all of these words have changed me? Because they are spoken to me by the God of this universe. He has spoken them through his Holy Word, through his creation, and through Jesus’s death on the cross.
God has given me a love of language, of using words to express compassion, love, honesty, joy, and anything else I feel. I am so grateful he chooses to communicate to my heart in the same way.
After all, as Chip pointed out, John called Jesus himself “the Word” — “In the beginning was the Word.”
No wonder I love words so much.
Question for You: Which words have changed you?