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Last Sunday, my pastor had us open to the book of Philippians and read this verse:
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.”
Uh oh, I thought. I’m in trouble.
I really, really want to live my life for the Lord. I want to do things that matter. I want to leave a lasting impression on this earth, to touch people’s hearts, to lift their spirits, to turn their eyes toward our wonderful Savior.
And yet, me, myself, and I often get in the way.
Because it’s so, so easy to do things for our own glory.
In a small way, I’ve been “in the spotlight” for a lot of my life. I’ve been acting and singing on stage since I was 6 years old and I currently serve in the music ministry at our church. I love singing my heart out for the Lord, reminding others of his love. There is something about music that speaks to my heart and stirs something inside of me that almost nothing else can stir.
But I’ve struggled with the spotlight. There were times in the past when I thought I was pretty awesome because, hey, people liked my singing! They thought I was great! And an ego boost can be heady stuff.
For awhile, singing became about me, not about praising my Lord and using the gifts HE GAVE ME to glorify Him.
The Lord has also given me a passion for writing, and right now, I’m trying to write a novel and succeed at getting it published. But I’ve really had to evaluate why I want to do this. Is it because I want the fame? The influence? Because I want to see my name in print? Because I want my ego boosted?
Or is it because I want to glorify my Maker, to show believers and non-believers alike that God is good and faithful, that He loves us beyond compare, and that He has a plan for each of us?
My prayer is for God to make these the song lyrics of my heart:
“It’s all about you, Jesus. And all this is for you, for your glory and your fame. It’s not about me, as if you should do things my way. You alone are God, and I surrender to your will.”
Your Turn: What are some of your favorite Bible verses or song lyrics that talk about glorifying God?

*photo courtesy of flickr*