
The other day, I came across a simple, yet profound quote:

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman, theologian

So, if I believe this quote speaks truth, then does that mean I don’t have to get all tangled up with worrying about what God’s purpose for my life is? That by doing what makes me come alive–that is, what I feel passionate about–I can have a purposeful life that will have an impact on the world?


It’s so easy to get caught up with worry of this type: Should I take this job or that? Should I major in this or that? Should I take the time to do this or that? (Personal example: Should I actually take the time to pursue this crazy dream of becoming a published author, because writing is something I love and simply cannot stop myself from doing?)

It seems to me that if we stopped worrying about what we SHOULD do, focus on what God MADE us to do (indicated by what we’re passionate about doing), and trust Him to take us where He wants us to be, we’d get a whole lot more living done.

Of course, one caution is to remember that we also have responsibilities like God and family that we cannot simply forsake in order to pursue a dream or passion. But if God made us to do it, then He’ll provide a way for it to happen.

So, if you love cooking? Open your home, invite over a bunch of friends or co-workers, and feed them. God can use your cooking to make those people feel nurtured and loved.

If you love singing or acting? Try out for a community theater show. God has used music and the laughter theater can bring to soothe people’s souls.

If you love mothering? Devote your time and energy to your own children or being a mentor to others.

The point is, God can use you wherever you are, whatever your passion is. He planted that passion in your heart. I challenge you to use it. Come alive, and you will leave an unbelievable legacy in this world.

Questions for you: What makes you come alive? How are you pursuing your passion?